The Recommender survey has closed, and results are in! Of the 37 survey participants, 59% perceive the Recommender provides recommended questions of interest about as often as if they were drawn randomly from the roughly 600 on the site. Additionally, 24% of participants indicated the Recommender primarily provides questions of interest to the forecaster. The remaining participants did not use the Recommender or think the Recommender provides questions of minimal interest to the forecaster.
Using the survey statistics, comments and additional Recommender data collected over the past 12 weeks, the Recommender will be reviewed and updated to provide desired functionality to SciCast users.
If you haven’t clicked on any questions in the Recommender, we invite you to give it a shot. Leave a comment to let us know what you think about your recommendations and share with us if you’ve noticed any improvements in your recommendations.
We appreciate those of you that took the time to take the survey. Congratulations to forecaster faidzms for winning the random drawing for the $100 Amazon Gift Card!