Survey response rates typically decline with age, and newer technologies are better for surveying younger people, so we were surprised by the self-reported ages of people who volunteered to take our survey. See the distribution below. The number of users who are 25-32 years and users who are 60-69 years are about equal. We even have a fair number of users 80 and older.
Because only a small portion of users completed the survey, itâs possible that self-selection might have skewed the results, but thereâs no good way to tell. Whether or not you think that graph represents our core users, the best way for us to find out is for more people to take the survey. Itâs broken into four parts that you can find by logging in and clicking on the “Profile and Settings” tab on your dashboard. See below.
From what Iâve seen of the “core users,” I would suggest that the only way to get a perfectly representative sample would be to offer $25 Amazon gift cards for completing the survey.
do the links go away once weâve filled the surveys out? i thought i filled them out (but iâm not sure), and would certainly be happy to do so again if they somehow didnât take. iâd just hate to fill it out more than once.
The links do not go away but the option to fill out a given survey should go away once youâve completed it.
Yeah, I keep retaking the surveys every time I get an email or prompt asking me to. Do the surveys change, or am I filling out the same survey each time? It would be nice if there was an indicator that said whether weâd filled out the survey before.
There are a number of surveys available to take, and once youâve filled one out although the link remains, the option to complete it should go away and the survey should open to the next available survey.
P.S. Thanks SciCast team for all your hard work in making this prediction market function. I know people (including me) have a tendency to complain, so I just wanted to balance that out by letting you know that we appreciate your efforts.
Thanks, Ted! We appreciate all of your feedback!
P.P.S. Did the College Bowl die after no school got 50 students? None of my friends really care about prediction markets.
You are correct. Unfortunately, no team had 50 participants. You should have received an email message about this. We emailed all participants (who had provided a valid email address) to let them know - and to let them know about the current incentives weâre offering.